The Danger of ChatGPT & The Mass Production of Misinformation in AI

More and more content across the internet is now being mass-produced by AI language models such as ChatGPT. However, few people seem to talk about the dangers and drawbacks of relying on information from a machine that not only lacks emotional intelligence and human empathy but also doesn’t even have access to information from after […]

Fake News? Why AI is Bad for Fact Checking and Critical Thinking

«Fake or Fact» brain in the head

I always knew it was the case, but now my friends do as well: why AI is bad for fact checking — and let me tell you all about it. Last week I was hanging out with some old buds from my older tech days when we started discussing the first iMac. How revolutionary it […]

Why AI Is Bad For Content Creation: Less Clicks, Less Happy Readers (2023)

I hate that idea. Shot of a businessman giving the thumbs down.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has managed to revolutionize the way we create content, but is it really revolutionizing it for the better? Turns out there are many reasons why AI is bad for content creation. Have you, or are you considering using AI to create content? Or perhaps are you worried that everyone using AI to […]

Stephen Hawking on AI: The End of The Human Race?

Stephen Hawking on AI: a tale of caution that we need to take seriously. Esteemed as one of the most exceptional scientists in history, Hawking is remembered not only for his immense contributions to science but also for his concern and cautious views on Artificial Intelligence’s (AI) potential implications. Hawking was a learned student and […]

The Modern Day Plague – 5 Ways AI Is Invading Your Privacy Right Now


As Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology advances at a pace so fast it is nearly impossible to keep up, concerns about privacy invasion follow the exponential line of concern. From data collection to facial recognition, AI is being used every second of the day all over the world to collect vast amounts of personal data and […]

Elon Musk on AI: Humanity’s Biggest Threat?

Who’d think one of the founders of OpenAi, the creators of ChatGPT, would be one of modern Artificial Intelligence’s greatest critics? Elon Musk, the (especially recently) loud and controversial billionaire, has more knowledge and experience in the realm of artificial intelligence than a vast, vast majority of people. Alongside other billionaires such as Bill Gates, […]

Bill Gates on AI: A Tale of Threats & Hypocrisy

Three of the world’s greatest influencers when it comes to Artificial Intelligence, happen to also be some of its greatest critics. You might wonder why that is, but to me, the answer seems glaringly obvious: they know AI better than most and understand the consequences and potential dangers that the technology inhibits. Bill Gates, Stephen […]

The Dangers of AI: A Threat To Our Democracy


The world’s response to the massive influx of Artificial intelligence so far has been overwhelmingly positive, to the point that few people have actually sat down and realized the true consequences and dangers of AI. As more and more lives are being negatively impacted by the emergence of AI, and as more universities and media […]